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Winnie Tang Vocal Coaching

"Everyone has a Beautiful Voice"

- Jo Estill
About Us


Winnie Tang Vocal Coaching was established in 1998 and has since been providing quality voice training and singing coaching. With a solid understanding of vocal pedagogy and a nurturing approach combined, Winnie has successfully coached thousands of students over the years.

Providing a safe place for everyone to be themselves and discover their own voice in a vocally healthy manner. Helping students pursue their dreams, many of whom went on to renowned music schools internationally, such as Berklee College of Music and BIMM Music Institute, and began their professional singing, performance, and teaching careers.

Winnie Tang Vocal Coaching 始於1998年,自創立以來一直致力於提供優質的聲樂培訓和歌唱技巧指導。鄧晴羽老師擁有扎實的聲樂教學知識,並融合了多年的演出和教學經驗,以獨特的教學技巧,培育了眾多學生。除了歌唱技巧,鄧老師同時注重身心靈健康,堅持營造舒適放鬆的學習環境,幫助每位學生發掘自己獨特的聲音。鄧晴羽老師熱心於協助學生實現夢想,許多經過她培訓的學生成功考入國際知名音樂學院,如Berklee College of Music 和 BIMM Music Institute等。這些學生在學習期間不斷成長,並在專業歌唱、舞台表演和教學事業上展現出色的成就。

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A nurturing environment for your voice

Step into a warm and supportive space where you can explore and enhance your vocal abilities without any judgment or pressure. Our focus is on creating a safe and encouraging environment for you to grow.

Science meets art in our teaching approach

At Winnie Tang Vocal Coaching, we blend the art of singing with the science of voice. Our lessons are grounded in vocal pedagogy, ensuring you receive a solid foundation to help you reach your full potential as a singer.

Join our league of professionals

Our clientele includes professional singers, actors, recording artists, and singing teachers who have trusted Winnie Tang to refine their craft. Benefit from the same expertise and guidance that has shaped successful careers in the industry.


Online Sessions

Get vocal training in the comfort and convenience of your home. Clear and precise instructions via Zoom. More flexibility. Accessible anywhere. International students are welcome.  Many students find remote lessons to be both beneficial and rewarding!

In-person Sessions

In-person training is available in Hong Kong. Studio located in Causeway Bay. Students will learn about voice science, singing techniques and interpretation skills through exercises tailored to their age, skill level, and personal learning modalities.

Estill Voice Training®
(Private/Practice Groups)

Private Estill Voice Training. Bespoke Estill Voice Training to the needs of the clients. Practice Groups are available for participants who had completed a Estill Voice Training Complete Level 1 & 2 Course. Special Topics workshops will be held periodically.



"Winnie is a very professional vocalist and a veteran teacher as well who can demonstrate and communicate well some of the most vaguest vocal theories on earth! What I appreciated was her well preparation for the classes and her persistence in efforts to try to make sure every student understands what she teaches in her class. I was completely new to showmanship and ad lib though not new at all in singing, but with Winnie's keen insight and expertise, I could manage to overcome my stage fright and start jamming with ad lib in confidence. She can also tell you lots of what is happening in the vocal performance industry! She is the best vocal coach I have ever met. Thanks, Winnie!"

- Cameron Ho

Deputy Account Director at Porda Havas International Finance Communications Group

Book Your Free Consultation

Are you ready to become a better singer? Book a free 30-minute consultation with me today and get a free assessment of your singing abilities. During our consultation, we will discuss your vocal goals, areas of improvement, and how I can help you become a better singer. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced singer, I have the tools and expertise to help you reach your full potential.


立即預約免費30分鐘的評估咨詢, 並獲得免費評估你的唱歌能力。會談期間, 我們將一起商量你的唱歌目標、有待改進之處,以及我如何可以幫助你變成一個更出色的歌手。不論你是初學者還是高級歌手, 我都具備所需工具和專業知識, 協助你發揮最大潛力。

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Causeway Bay/

Wan Chai

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